We're a non-profit-making social housing provider with affordable homes in Poole, Wimborne, Bournemouth, Ringwood and beyond.
Who we are
We are a non-profit Registered Housing Provider with charitable status, more commonly known as a Housing Association.
Any surplus we make each year is put back into providing more homes and maintaining properties and services to existing residents.
About Sandbourne
What we do
We provide high quality long-term rented homes, at social rent levels, to people over 60.
We also provide affordable homes, including long-term rented homes at social rent levels, for people over 18.
About our services
From Bertram Windle’s The Wessex of Thomas Hardy (1902)
Our name was adopted from Thomas Hardy's novels based in Wessex — Sandbourne being his chosen name for the Bournemouth area.
Our History
Bournemouth Housing Society for the Elderly (BHSE) and Broadway Park Housing Association (BPHA) merged on after receiving regulatory approval from the Regulator of Social Housing (RSH).
Ringwood and District Old Peoples Housing Society (RDOPHS) merged with Sandbourne on after being noted by the RSH and receiving regulatory approval from the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA).
Bournemouth Ace Housing Association Limited (Ace) merged with Sandbourne on after being noted by the RSH and receiving their regulatory approval from the FCA.